Xombie, I Have Seen Things

So when Google was new - and YouTube not yet invented I had learned how to get my voice actor web page at www.geoffedwards.ca near the top of Google (the page is now a re-direct to geoffedwards.media). That's how I met a talented animator in the early 00s named James Farr (Twitter: @jamesrfarr). We collaborated on some short animation projects. Me doing sounds and voice. We both worked hard at promoting what we were doing and we clicked. Then James shared a script for Xombie; a story about an un-dead man who had somehow maintained his intelligence and was able to suppress his zombic urges. Named Dirge, the lead character was on a mission to save a child from the zombie hordes.  I voiced the lead character, the antagonist robotic monsters and incidental sounds and recorded and directed the then child actor who played the lead character's protectorate Zoe. With each new episode the buzz increased about this series and we had a hit, with 13 million downloads. There was a DVD release in 2009. The entire web series became available on Netflix in the US. You might be able to watch it PPV, on Play Station Network. This year James announced a reboot, this time on his YouTube channel to his now 180,000 subscribers .

Yesterday James and I had a long chat. He told me things and showed me things, of which I can not speak.  I heard stuff too, again my NDA agreement prevents me from speaking. But let me just say it appears that we are close to hearing a lot more about a new Xombie animated web series.  I saw how characters now appear, as ten years has past since the end of the series and the lives of these characters. James has poured a lot of energy into creating what we hope will be another hit series. I look forward to the reprise of the character that resonated with so many all those years ago. “I am Dirge”

Twitter: #xombiedirge

James Farr - courtesy www.jamesfarr.com

James Farr - courtesy www.jamesfarr.com

Saddened Today

Bert was an unofficial mentor to me but he didn't know it. I was a fan of his radio style before we met. He had a great sense of humor and was generous with his talents. In the early to mid nineties I worked on a sound design and recording project that needed a powerful audio work station, which I didn't yet have. I "rented" Bert's Pro Tools rig at the home studio he was building near Mission, BC the rate was tilted heavily in my favor. Later when I was developing a webcast he donated his voice for our idents. I lost contact with him in recent years and just heard that he has passed away. I am saddened to hear we will not meet again.

Short Story Episode (voiceacting)

I wrote a short story to practice reading fiction. Yes, even after all these years earning a living with a microphone I still need to practice. Like for a musician, the nuance and emotion need continuous practice to perfect.  I wrote, voiced and recorded a Short Story you should listen.

(language may not be appropriate for all listeners, listener discretion is advised)

When Content Creation Is Your Business

When your business is content it’s easy to find stuff to share online. I create content for social media and as a voice actor help others do the same. Sharing is cool but engaging viewers is the actual challenge. Likes and comments are an appreciated stroke. But content that people want to share with their friends, is the goal. Which brings me to this.

The gorgeous imagery, the edits and the Direction given to me with the read made this piece really work and for me it is highly shareable. Watch: Vancouver Island Tourism

A Short Story

I love to read fiction. But I can't just take any author's script and read it on my web site. So I found a work around. I am writing my own short. Reading it in one minute episodes. I don't know where this is going or if I have the stamina required to write anything lengthy. But the voice actor in me does get to read fiction out loud...